BENNETT PEAK (13,203’)


June 20, 2014

By Tim Briese

7.1 miles, 2700’ elevation gain, 7:15 roundtrip time


This easy climb was a test for my new knees, which were both replaced on March 24th. I had done some other hikes in recent weeks but nothing of this magnitude so I was really looking forward to this.

I met Brian the night before the climb in Monte Vista and the next morning we drove in his Highlander up Road 28 into the mountains southwest of town to the Rock Creek Trailhead, which was at about 11,200 feet elevation. It took about 45 minutes to drive to the trailhead from town. At 7:55 we started on a trail that took us down to a creek crossing then went up the valley along the east side of the creek. It was obvious that this trail sees frequent use by ATV’s.

on the trail up the valley


We followed this trail up to timberline before making a short bushwhack up toward a 12,100 foot saddle between Bennett Peak and Sheep Mountain. Our objective was really Bennett but we decided we might as well climb Sheep too since it was right there calling us.

the slope up to sheep mountain


We made the 300+ foot climb up a grassy slope to its summit in short order. It felt great to be above timberline on a summit again!

me on the summit of sheep mountain, with bennett peak in the background


After a twenty minute stay we headed back down to the saddle. As we approached we could see three ATV’s at the saddle and they presently drove up the trail toward the summit of Bennett.

at the lower right are the atv's parked at the saddle.  bennett peak is at the upper left.


From the saddle we headed up the trail too and found it mostly gentle but with loose rocks in places.

looking back at sheep mountain


We proceeded to make the 1100 foot climb up to the broad gentle summit of Bennett. When we arrived there at 11:35 we found it to be marked by a huge cairn. I was very pleased that my new knees were doing great so far with minimal discomfort.

on the summit of bennett peak


We sat around for close to an hour enjoying the nice views, with unlimited visibility under the clear blue sky. When we left we bushwhacked to the south across grassy tundra meadows and made a steeper descent on a talus slope toward a saddle between Bennett and Windy Peak. This talus descent was another good test for my new knees.

windy peak


Brian went on to climb Windy but I decided to sit and wait for him, not wanting to push the experiment with my knees too far today, and I had a nice hour-long rest gazing about at the splendid views. When Brian returned we got on the nearby Trail 700 and followed it back down into the upper end of the valley. We made a short bushwhack down to pick up the lower trail we had used in the morning and hiked back to the trailhead. We got back to the trailhead shortly after 3 and drove back to Monte Vista. I got in my truck and headed for home, concluding a great, short getaway to the mountains, just what I needed!