August 30, 2023

By Tim Briese

1.9 miles, 1300’ elevation gain, 2:30 roundtrip time


Seigal Mountain is one of the easiest 13ers around.  It is a short climb with nice grassy slopes all the way to the top. There are great views too.

Brian and I drove north from Silverton on CR 2 to Animas Forks, finding that the road had deteriorated since we were last on it several years ago, especially closer to Animas Forks. We continued north on the 4WD Engineer Pass Road and parked near an old cabin and small lake at 12,000 feet southwest of Seigal Mountain. This road was much worse than we recalled too. I’m not sure if the road or our memories of it have deteriorated the most. It took us about an hour to get there from Silverton.

we parked here and headed up the slopes to seigal, at left center


We headed east up the easy grassy slope toward a gentle saddle north of Seigal. From there it was an easy stroll up to the summit.

heading up the grassy slopes


looking back down at the road. my truck is a little to the right of the lake.


the slopes up to the summit


brian resting on the summit


The ascent took about an hour and twenty minutes. We lounged around on top for half an hour while enjoying the great views.

animas forks mountain above horseshoe lake, to the right


gravel mountain and un 13702 above hurricane basin


the engineer pass road and my truck are far below


the engineer pass road is high on the slope at the right climbing toward the pass


unranked un 13715


After leaving the summit we hiked back down to the truck and headed for Silverton, in plenty of time for a nice lunch at Handlebars.

the animas river along cr 2 on our way back to silverton