September 1, 2021

By Tim Briese


A couple of quick easy peaks were needed this morning because I had to get home and pack to leave on a backpack trip to Wyoming the next morning.


Unnamed 9291: 0.9 miles, 400’ elevation gain, 0:45 roundtrip time

Brian and I drove CR 175 northeast from Salida up into the mountains a few miles and turned right onto FR 81. After a short distance we parked at a large grassy area on the right.

we parked here; the peak is visible a short distance away


We hiked up to a saddle north of the peak and then followed the ridge a short distance up to the summit. We were greeted with some nice views.

view to the southwest from the summit; part of salida can be seen in the valley; mt. ouray is at top center




mt. princeton and the chalk cliffs in the distance


It took all of 20 minutes to hike up this one and 15 to hike back down.


Unnamed 9402: 1.8 miles, 500’ elevation gain, 1:10 roundtrip time

We returned to CR 175 and continued less than a half mile north and parked at a spacious area at the road’s junction with FR 182. We hiked west across an extensive meadow, directly toward the peak, skirting private property that lay to the north.

we hiked across this meadow toward the peak, at the top


We entered the woods and bushwhacked up an easy slope to the summit.

brian on top


a cool juniper right on the summit


It took 30 minutes to hike up and 25 down for this one.

This concluded a fun three days of climbing with Brian. It was only about 1030 am so he went on to climb other peaks today while I headed for home.