UNNAMED 13,500

Sept. 17, 2015

By Tim Briese

2.7 miles, 1400’ elevation gain, 2:20 roundtrip time


Mountain climbs don’t get much easier than this one. This was actually more of a camping/photo outing than a mountain climb. I drove into the mountains the afternoon before the climb and found a splendid camping spot off of Highway 82 along the North Fork of Lake Creek east of Independence Pass. Flaming yellow aspens adorned the valley on my drive up the highway. After sitting around a cheery campfire for a while that evening I crawled into the back of my truck with my lab Abby to go to sleep with the sound of the stream singing nearby. The next morning I arose in the morning chill and made the short drive up to Independence Pass for the climb.

sunrise on some peaks from highway 82


early light on la plata peak


It was pretty chilly up on the 12,095 foot pass this morning with a steady breeze blowing so I put on my wind gear and at 730 headed north up the slope toward my peak.

the slope from the pass up toward unnamed 13500.  the summit is a short distance beyond the point visible in the photo.


I knew this was going to be an easy climb. However, the majesty of a mountain climb is not necessarily proportional to the effort required. I rapidly climbed up the slope toward the point I could see above, finding a good climbers trail most of the way.

looking back down at independence pass from part way up the slope


When I reached the top of the ridge I found that my peak was about 200 yards further to the north and I rapidly scampered over to the summit.

approaching the summit, at right center


I arrived on top at 845, for a 75 minute ascent from the pass. My thermometer said it was 37 degrees on top, chilly but not too bad. The magical early morning light shining through the broken clouds upon the landscape was fascinating. I proceeded to take numerous photos.

the following photos were taken from the summit


blue lake




twining peak




After 15 minutes I left the top and headed back down, stopping along the way to take a few more photos.

the west side of independence pass




 About halfway down I saw what looked like a guided group of hikers heading up the slope a short distance to the west.

on the way back down to the pass


I returned to my truck at 950, after a 50 minute descent, and headed back down the road toward home.