July 12, 2022

By Tim Briese

3.9 miles, 1200’ elevation gain, 4:30 roundtrip time


My daughter Emily and I and her German shepherd Vestal went on an outing to see the wildflowers in Yankee Boy Basin in mid July. It is always a treat to visit the San Juans and especially that beautiful basin.

a scenic stop at clinton reservoir along co 91 on our way to the san juans


another stop at blue mesa reservoir


We stayed at a cabin in Ouray and early the next morning drove up the road into Yankee Boy Basin.

you always hope you don't meet somebody on this stretch of the road to yankee boy


We drove up to a parking area at about 11,300 feet and then walked up the much rougher road from there. The scenery and wildflowers were spectacular on this pristine morning.

a nice reflection of gilpin peak


stony mountain


potosi peak with a carpet of green below




We took the trail up to Wright’s Lake and continued some distance further up the trail before turning back. There were numerous jeeps and a few other hikers in the basin this morning.

wright's lake


emily by wright's lake








potosi peak


By mid day the clouds were starting to build and we headed back down to town for lunch.